November 30, 2001
you're welcome
you're welcome [vroom] Posted by bdhampel at 09:22 AM
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rest in peace, dark horse
rest in peace, dark horse [ap] Posted by bdhampel at 08:56 AM
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November 29, 2001
a quarterly dose of dustyjen
a quarterly dose of dustyjen Nick: She's a damn good writer, it's too bad that getting something printed is so difficult. Me: One just has to take the initiative... self-publish a 'zine. I'd pay shipping & handling to receive a quarterly dose of dustyjen. Heck, give me the submission guidelines and I'll contribute to a quarterly dose of dustyjen. (Sorry, I just like the way that rolls... "a quarterly dose of dustyjen") ;-) Nick: Heh. It's just not the same as seeing your words on heavy paper, hard bound. Me: You're right. I've only been published once, but it was way cool. Very impressive to a dude in high school. It was a class assignment that got passed from the class, to the school lit magazine, to the county board of acheivement (or something like that) where it won an award and got published with the rest of the year's winners. I had bunches of other assignments get reccomended for the lit magazine, but I had to pull those because they were plaigerized. :-) It helped immensely to be on the lit mag's editorial board. "Oh, um, well, there isn't enough column inches for this one. Next?" There were a couple of pieces that went through that office that I really wish I'd kept, though. We used to sponsor a monthly contest as well as the annual zine (which was really a subsection of the yearbook, but they gave us 16 pages to do whatever the hell we wanted). One month the contest topic was: write something from the point of view of a piece of food. I submitted a diary from one of a pair of backpackers lost in the woods... The best part about that submission was not what I wrote, but sitting around during the judging process watching people read it with this confused look on their faces: "What is this? Why is this here? This isn't from the perspective of food? I don't underst... OH MY GOD." Nick: Took them a couple minutes, huh? Me: It took most of them until the last entry, which wasn't from the guy writing. It was a news clipping about finding one surviving backpacker while the second remained missing. Nick: You've got a little streak of Stephen King inside your noggin, don't you? Or, maybe some Twilight Zone. That's one thing I've never been able to write: scary stuff. Me: My second piece for that contest, which people were much more comfortable with, was a bunch of fruits & veggies in a refrigerator with a meticulous "Great Escape" plan of action. The whole thing hinged on jumping off the shelf when the door was next opened, and then making their way through the kitchen... but when it came time to jump... they realized they had no legs... Nick: Haha. Foiled by mother nature. Me: But the one that should've won, the one that everybody loved, we had to disqualify because it was merely about food and not from the perspective of. Not to mention it was pretty hardcore and we never could've published it. Not in a high school rag, anyway. Nick: It was hardcore? It was about fruit, no? Me: It was about a young lady who was applying lavish oral attention to a Twinkie. It was the kind of thing that found it's way into permanent residence in the gentlemen's locker room. And Kate will be forever remember as that girl who wrote about the Twinkie. She came back to homecoming 2-3 years after gradutation, and people were: "Hey, I know you. You're that girl who..." Nick: Every club, team, and activity had "one of those girls" in my high school. Me: I led a sheltered high school existence. Do you remember the movie "Sixteen Candles"? Nick: Sure. Me: I was 'Farmer Ted'. Nick: Wow. Me: I was a geek. But I was the geek closest to normal. I was on the fringe. I was the cross-over kid, just on the outside of every clique we had: accepted, but never acknowledged. Everybody knew of me, but nobody really knew me. It really blew my mind one year. October 23rd comes around and I get to school and people I had never met -- never talked to, heck never even seen before -- were passing me in the halls and wishing me a happy birthday. It freaked me out until I get to my 6th period English class and I find that it had been posted on the chalkboard. I figured cool, so that's how people knew "Today's Birthdays: Brian Hampel"... but then it slowly dawned on me. How the fuck did all these people know who "Brian Hampel" is? Nick: Hehe. It looks like the trend of "the man behind the scenes that everybody knows" started early on. Me: I think I've always had a strong cult of personality, I just never figured out what to do with it. Hrm. I think I'm going to blog this transcript. It doesn't seem fair to the rest of the ring that I open myself up like this and there's no one else around to appreciate it. Besides, I'm in dire need of content. Posted by bdhampel at 01:37 PM
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November 28, 2001
like no vacation on earth
like no vacation on earth Posted by bdhampel at 07:31 PM
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November 27, 2001
i feel like job
i feel like job Posted by bdhampel at 02:41 PM
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November 26, 2001
request for comments
request for comments You all see that column on the left where I link to all those friends of mine who reside in Dusty's ring, and some others who do not but bear reading up on anyway? Well, if you've been In the Doghouse for any period of time, you may have noticed that the list gets shuffled around from time to time as well as people's names jumping back and forth from realnames to nicknames to screennames to various other aliases. I can't decide what's appropriate. Do I go with the formal, the informal, the informative, or the elusive? Does anybody even use those links besides me? Personally, I use the list for twofold reasons: it's a failsafe for when crickrock goes flukey, and it's bookmarks for those outside the ring. For me, I could just as easily label them as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. and hover when I get forgetful as to who's who. Opinions? Suggestions? Alternatives? RSVP. Posted by bdhampel at 12:19 PM
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those darn canadians
those darn canadians Thanks for bothering with me, people. All of you, not just the northern neighbors I've become so fond of. Posted by bdhampel at 10:56 AM
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since when did we hire catbert?
since when did we hire catbert? We will be providing open training sessions for all employees on the Performance Management System, the Incentive Plan and information on the rollout and transition to this new program. This is very important information that will help you with your career [here], so please try to attend a session. I've been complaining for ages that I need to find a new job. But, despite that, I've always been content to stay with the status quo. My life here has been pleasing for the most part. It's even been exciting at times, as I was in a growth industry doing lots of things that just don't happen in the established corporations. The growth is over. The industry is at a lull, and likely to remain here for some time. We are the only one of our kind to survive, and thrive, in the dot com bust. But in doing so, we sold our soul. The inanities of corporate culture are taking over, and I can no longer look on from a far and chuckle. It's time to move. Posted by bdhampel at 09:17 AM
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hallucinogenic acrylics
hallucinogenic acrylics [string] 1) Mun, find a damn commenting system. ;-) Two cents from an uncultured slob. Posted by bdhampel at 08:09 AM
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November 21, 2001
valsmith does not suck
valsmith does not [suck] You have no idea how envious I am. No idea. Posted by bdhampel at 08:42 AM
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November 20, 2001
jes'ikah's journals
jes'ikah's journals Birth. School. Work. Death. That's the way it had always been, or at least the way it had always seemed. No one ever talked about strange happenings or odd occurances. And, when they started happening to Jes'ikah, no one ever talked to her. Slowly but surely she had become ostrecized. Not publicly, of course, because it wouldn't be proper to make accusations. But one could feel the tension when she was around. Eventually, her parents felt it best all around that she wasn't around; and so, Jes'ikah was bartered into an apprenticeship and sent away to The City. Furbish he was called. A master craftsman. Craftsgnome? He'd made a name for himself long ago. 'Furbish Goods' were always in demand, for the quality of his work was often unequalled. Items taken to him to be mended or repaired came to be known as 'Refurbiushed Goods', for they were just as valuable. Jes'ikah worked hard in his shop, learning a trade. She worked hard outside the shop as well, for Furbish often sent her as courier to pick-up and deliver his masterworks. Jes'ikah soon discovered, however, that Furbish was more than a craftsman. Furbish did business with more than the upper class who could afford his services. Furbish was also a pawn broker, and a fence. It was through this side trade that Jes'ikah developed her pragmatic philosophies of life. She discovered that moral debate was more or less silly posturing; and that ethical dilemas were more often decided by needs, wants, and the value of coin. What was best, though, was that Furbish was a gnome. A humanoid. A creature familliar with the oddities that abound outside of human circles. Strange happenings and odd occurances didn't bother Furbish, for they were the way of the world. Perhaps someday Jes'ikah will try to discover what it is that is different about herself. Why strange things happen to her. Perhaps not. Perhaps someday Jes'ikah will return to her hamlet and show her friends and family what has become of her. Perhaps not. In the meantime, she enjoys her life with Furbish. It is productive, and oft times exciting. She meets new and interesting people from all walks of life. She travels on occassion, though hardly ever more than two days journey, in the course of her duties. Encountered in The City, Jes'ikah will likely be on an errand for Furbish. She'd be lightly encumbered with the necessary tools of her trade and a dagger or two for protection. Encountered outside of The City, Jes'ikah will most definitely be on an errand for Furbish. In these cases, she would also have necessary travelling gear including food for an evening meal (bread, cheese and meat) as well as trail rations in the event she should become lost or waylaid. Jes'ikah would also be better protected in the wilds, having in her possesion a light crossbow and a rapier which she, um, 'acquired' from an inattentive guardsmen on some past journey. She has learned to use these, as well as other valuable skills, from some of those more interesting people she's met. Jes'ikah possesses 25 gold pieces which she has been stashing away, and carries a handful of silvers and coppers when going out. Posted by bdhampel at 01:01 PM
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forty days and forty nights
forty days and forty nights [vroom] Posted by bdhampel at 09:41 AM
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November 19, 2001
a complete waste of your time online
a complete waste of your time online [fuali] Posted by bdhampel at 10:29 AM
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oh, what an overcast morning
oh, what an overcast morning [string] I envy you, Mun. I was up that early myself though for much different reasons. I had hoped to catch glimpses of the leonid shower, but the fog and overcast was extremely thick here. In fact, it didn't burn off until close to 11:00am. Ah well, there's still plenty of years ahead of me for viewing astronomical phenomena. I'll catch it the next time. Posted by bdhampel at 09:07 AM
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November 16, 2001
what's in your referrer logs?
what's in your referrer logs? [link] This one earns a place below, along with blogdex and the other metas. Hrm. I think I need to contact the producer of PopStars. Blogdex & the Metas ? Nah... Posted by bdhampel at 10:51 AM
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what part of 'small black coffee' do you not understand?
what part of 'small black coffee' do you not understand? I was running late this morning; I had to take my wife to drop her car off at the dealer. Anyway, I get to the office late and I'm felling hungry so I decide to stop at Wendy's and see what they have to offer on the brand spankin new breakfast menu. Ideally, I'm looking for an Egg McMuffin but of course that's another frnachise and costs too damn much anyway unless they're on sale. But that's beside the point. My breakfast orders are always the same, it doesn't matter where I go. There's always a combo with a sandwich, a potato thing, and a choice of beverage. This morning was no different: "Good morning, would you like to try a combo?" Now, I realize Wendy's has not been serving breakfast for very long. They probably don't really understand what coffee is, or how it's served, so maybe just maybe "black" is not an appropriate adjective. When the girl at the window handed me the bag of food stuffs, I was only mildly surprised to find that it contained four freezing cold half-and-half shots that were lowering the temperature of my breakfast sandwich. It also contained not five, not six, but seven packets of sugar. For a small coffee. I give her some credit though, she tried to make my morning meal convenient. The bag also contained a spoon (so that I could stir my small black coffee -- because I am just so damn likely to remove the lid from my steaming hot joe while driving away from the window)... ...and a straw? Posted by bdhampel at 10:02 AM
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November 15, 2001
train to end stroke
The bellringers are out and about, reminding us that the winter holidays are approaching and the season of giving is upon us. Since September's tragic events many have channeled their efforts into the noble and worthwhile relief funds, but in the wake of this catastrophe it is important to remember that everyday life continues: AIDS still happens, cancer still happens, and stroke... stroke still happens. TRAIN TO END STROKE is the premier fundraiser dedicated to fueling the American Stroke Association (ASA), a Division of the American Heart Association. The money it generates goes to stroke-related research, professional education, community education and support, and advocacy. This is an especially urgent health issue in our community because we live in an area known as "the stroke belt." For the past several months, my wife and I have been training to participate in a TTES marathon. Our physical goal is fast approaching, as our marathon is happening December 8th. We've never considered ourselves particularly fit or athletic, so this has been a difficult challenge to date and is still daunting in these last few weeks. We accepted this challenge for a number of reasons; in honor of those who have suffered a stroke and are going through the difficult process of rehabilitation; in memorium of those who have passed due to stroke and stroke-complications; and, to increase community awareness about this medical emergency. You can help; TTES needs your contributions. If you are interested in contributing, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. All donations are tax-deductible and the ASA will send you a receipt for any donation over $10. Checks (made payable to "American Stroke Association") and credit cards are acceptable, and I have forms at hand to ensure that your donations are properly accounted for. Thank you for your consideration, your generosity, and your support. Sincerely, Posted by bdhampel at 10:02 AM
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November 14, 2001
try to figure out what all this is for
try to figure out what all this is for [bnl] No reason, really. I was doing the morning commute thing; and it was taking longer than usual with weird non-standard traffic back-ups that were quickly becoming frustrating. "Pinch Me" started playing and it just seemed appropriate. Taking a cue from Nick, I give it to you. Do you care? No, probably not. Do I care? No, I probably don't either. In actuality it's probably just filler. Dusty threatened to delete people from the ring if they don't stay current. This is most likely just an attempt to buy her affections and secure my place in the ring. :-) Okay. Back to work. Posted by bdhampel at 10:26 AM
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November 12, 2001
take this chat and link it
take this chat and link it [dusty] href=aim:gochat?roomname=Burning+Ring+of+Fire&Exchange=5 Posted by bdhampel at 09:11 AM
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November 09, 2001
dan: i give you my monthly 'hi'
dan: i give you my monthly 'hi' Posted by bdhampel at 03:38 PM
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November 08, 2001
where have all the flowers gone?
where have all the flowers gone? One year ago yesterday. My, how time flies when you're having fun. Okay, so time flies for the first six or seven months when you're having fun but then things don't exactly work out the way you expected them to but you hang on hoping upon hope that things will get better and by this time you're too busy hoping to be having fun but you don't notice yet that you're not having fun and then suddenly you do and time starts to drag on and on and on and it's not flying at all so you think about abandoning the thing that was fun in the first place but then you realize that it wasn't the thing itself that was fun but the people around it that made it fun so you think maybe you can hang on a little longer and recapture the fun but in spite of all that you also think that the only reason the people are around anyway is because of the thing and you think that if you forget about the thing then you won't have anything to hold the people together so you do a bunch of things that you think might substitute for the first thing but by now you're spending so much energy trying to hold things together that it's not so much fun any more even when time is flying by but you're all still together holding out for the next big thing on the horizon that you can transfer all your energies to but it doesn't come and you wait and you wait and you wait and more time passes and then someone else does find the next big thing but doesn't take the rest of you along for the ride and now it just sucks all over becuase on top of feeling like you've wasted a significant amount of time you also feel abandoned and hurt so instead of just being not fun now it's also painful and happy fucking anniversary majestic. Posted by bdhampel at 03:29 PM
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November 07, 2001
playing with string
playing with [string] Is it contagious, or just prevalent? Whatever it is I've got it, too. Posted by bdhampel at 03:32 PM
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blah blah blah
blah blah blah Posted by bdhampel at 08:53 AM
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November 06, 2001
look! it's her!
look! it's her! [blog] Welcome to the wonderful world of blogs, eh. Posted by bdhampel at 01:13 PM
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November 05, 2001
and i thought my referrals were freaky
and i thought my referrals were freaky
Posted by bdhampel at 01:58 PM
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singing of anthrax?
singing of anthrax?
Posted by bdhampel at 01:07 PM
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blogback v1.2 | locked
blogback v1.2 | locked [doh] Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Fix it already, right? Soon... Posted by bdhampel at 12:58 PM
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bah Posted by bdhampel at 11:47 AM
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November 01, 2001
mid-week cruise update
mid-week cruise update The weather has been overcast and gray for the entire trip so far... that is, when it wasn't raining outright. Day Two on the private island was a waste of time. We did, however, enjoy the emptiness of the ship's pool deck while the rest of the poor souls were trying to enjoy a very wet beach. The morning was torrential, but by god it's warm in the Caribbean. Ocho Rios was not so much better yesterday. The captain tells us that a cold front blew through and then became stationary in the western carib. I can't confirm that because I'm spending my $0.50/min writing to you schlubs instead. First our sea kayaking tour was bumped from 10:00 to noon because there weren't enough people signed up. So we rushed through a morning shopping trip (instead of the leisurely afternoon we'd planned), and then we stood in the downpour for 25 minutes waiting for our tour guide... and/or anyone else in the tour to arrive. Finally, someone told us that this session, too, had been cancelled (for the bad weather). The good news there is that we were able to book a party boat last minute, which turned out to be fantastic. We climbed Dunns' River Falls, learned to snorkel, and drank infinite amounts of rum punch (they called it rum punch, but by the second round it was "everything in the bar and it's mother" punch). We got to Grand Cayman this morning and the captain woke us up with more bad news. Congratulations! The tropical depression to the southeast has been christened Michelle, and she is now a tropical storm! Woo-hoo! To celebrate, we're going to be leaving Grand Cayman two hours earlier than planned today so that we can stay ahead of her. By the way, your tour to Stingray City to snorkel with the magnificent beasts of the sea has been cancelled. In fact, all tours to Stingray City have been cancelled. Enjoy your day shopping because there's nothing else to do in Grand Cayman. So, we did. *shrug* It was fun and we bought close to $300 of watches, jewelry, liquor, and whatever else Grand Cayman sells duty-free. So, we get back to the ship... And the captain says... You see where I'm going with this, don't you... Cozumel, Mexico tomorrow has been cancelled. Not just the tours, but the whole port. The good news is, we're leaving the western caribbean entirely and heading for Nassau, Bahamas as a make-up port. You know why this is good? It gives me another shot at snorkelling with the sting rays... That's it. At $0.50/min, that's enough. Talk to you all when I get home. Posted by bdhampel at 03:30 PM
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