May 08, 2003

I'm not exactly sure what it is about thunderstorms that promote creativity in my mind. I would like to think that only something so raw and elementally powerful as nature has enough sway to calm my mind, and allow the information to flow freely.

Sort of like the idea of the turnpike... its all the same mantra to me. Find something that you cannot help but be humbled by, and your mind will follow.

The thunderstorm today has me thinking of a scene from my not too distant past. Lets see if I can paint the picture:

The heavy scent of ozone and dust is blown in the gentle breeze through the windchime. As the dancing notes ring out through the red adobe brick buildings, steady rain falls on the dry earth ground and brick rooftops creating a stuccatoed accompanyment. The wooden porch below your feet creeks with each shift of your weight, and is worn smooth from years of rocking chairs and summer evenings. From within the open doorway behind you, the sounds of soft music and commerce can be heard as tourists purchase those unique southwestern knick knacks. In an adjacent room someone turns a rainstick, sending the tiny seeds within bouncing down the labrynthine honeycomb within. Lighting gently parts the sky, and a low roll of thunders follows nearly simultaneously, and you can hear the giggles tinged with superstition crest the children's lips as they set the rainstick down, just to be safe. As the sun slowly sets over the purple mountains, you can hear the first snaps of the logs on the campfire, and the buzzing of the locals as they set about preparing for a warm evening.

I miss it.

Posted by cptgen at 11:33 AM
May 07, 2003
Summer To Do List

Given that the weather is getting warmer, the days longer, and the momo population thinner in number, I thought it appropriate to do a bit of day dreaming. In that light, I have taken some time to think of a list of things that I would like to do this summer.

Feel free to do the same, as is SOP for the Ringers.

1. Raft the upper Potomac, and learn to kayak.

2. See the National Symphony Orchestra down on the Mall.

3. Go camping... anywhere away from the noise.

4. Get a new car.

5. Visit my grandmother in Michigan.

6. Road trip to Atlanta.

7. Spend a week with my fam back in Colorado.

8. Finish my story.

9. Crab Feast, doesnt matter where as long as they're fresh.

10. Start my exercise schedule again.

11. King's Dominion, or one of the various theme parks in the area.

I think those should keep me occupied. Any and all are welcome to join me, of course. That way, when I fail to do them, I'll have someone to blame besides myself.

Posted by cptgen at 01:14 PM
May 06, 2003
Too Many Projects, Not Nearly Enough Beer

As usual, I have found myself engrossed in no less than 4 projects. As my head spins wildly, I even have found enough time to focus momentarily on some real work from time to time. So lets do a quick update:

Weather: Cloudy, grey, threatening to thunderstorm.... couldnt be happier.

Temp: Who knows, I havent been outside all day except for that mostly incoherent amble to the metro station I made this morning. All I particularly remember was that it was bright.

Listening to: "Love Song for Noone" ~ John Mayer

Skotos: I'm currently knee deep in area descriptions and enjoying it quite a bit. When I do actually play, things are progressing as they normally have. Slowly, and with a more than healthy dose of melodrama. But nothing some good old fashioned gooning cant clear up.

Writing: My spy has yet to get out of that damn car, given that the author cant seem to make a decision to save his life. I may have to resort to tossing a few back and babbling into a tape recorder. Though I'm not normally one to condone such a flagrant creation of blackmail material.

Graduation is sunday, and then all the Real World rejects can go back to the hell from whence they spawned and leave me be for a few, short, blessed months. I cant wait.

Oh! The University is quickly becoming the "elephant graveyard" of child actors. One such balding individual who will remain nameless was spotted losing horribly at foozeball to my roomate the other evening. Now if only we could up the ante and start pulling in some mid twenties actresses to the grad programs. I think I'll talk to the admissions folks about that one.

Alrighty, thats about all for now.

Posted by cptgen at 07:05 PM
May 02, 2003
Brian's Challenge

As if the cast from "High Fidelity" decended on the BRoF, the gauntlet has been cast to rehash the friday five, this time supplanting albums for individual songs.

As for an album I dont like admitting I enjoy, I can honestly say that I dont purchase or listen to entire albums that I dont like. Probably the most odd in my collection is a four track Holly McNarland cd that was given to me with a handful of free condoms at a health fair my sophomore year in college. Though the cd didnt get evoke any amorous reaction in my girlfriend at the time, in retrospect I do see some very distinct warning signs in the lyrics that should have clued me into the eventual disintigration of said relationship. In particular, the songs "Numb" and "Porno Mouth".

Two albums that make me cry. Why exactly why I buy and listen to an entire album that made me cry? I suppose I experience the widest range of emotions while listening to Billy Joel's Greatest Hits. But thats most certainly a cop out answer, like saying "most of my favorite words can be found in the dictionary".

Three albums that get me in the mood for lovin'.... hmm. Thats an interesting question. I find that very few complete albums are conducive to prolonged snogging. I prefer mixed cd's, carefully sculpted to provide the proper mood and mindset. If I had to pick one, it would be U2's "Joshua Tree". But as Mistress Dayna so cleverly noted, most selections in this category are time/place/person associations that are imprinted on the mind.

Four albums that make me happy. Perhaps the first question that can be answered. My first response, albeit without splendor, would be to say the 4 disk Buffett box set, "Bars, Boats, Beaches, and Ballads". But as Dayna would be horribly disappointed at that answer, I'll attempt to be more creative. First would be Buffett's "Banana Wind". The tracks "Schoolboy Heart" and "Bob Robert's Society Band" never cease to pick me up. Second would be Billy Joel's "Turnstiles". "Summer, Highland Falls", "Angry Young Man", and "James" remind me of my odd relationship with the state of New York. Eric Clapton's live acoustic album "Unplugged" is a fall driving staple. "Alberta", "Layla", and "Old Love" remind me of any woman I've ever dated, so they immediately garner a mid-disk track on my mix albums. I cant think of a fourth, so we'll move on.

My top five 'cant do without' albums, in no particular order..... will follow after some more thought.

Posted by cptgen at 02:09 PM
Friday Five

Though it took me some time to dig the answers out of my brain, here they are.

1. One song that I hate to admit I like:

Well, I couldnt think of any, then I thought of two at the same time, so I'll list them both. "Bye, Bye, Bye" ~ N'Sync, and "Earl" ~ Dixie Chicks

2. Two songs that always make me cry:

"Cat's in the Cradle" ~ Harry Chapin
"He Went to Paris" ~ Jimmy Buffett

3. Three songs that turn me on:

"With or Without You" ~ U2
"Black Velvet" ~ Alana Myles
"Crash" ~ DMB

4. Four songs that make me feel good:

"Midnight Train to Georgia" ~ Gladys Knight and the Pips
"Shimmer" ~ Fuel
"Weather is Here, Wish You Were Beautiful" ~ Jimmy Buffett
"Kate" ~ Ben Folds Five

5. Five songs I couldnt do without:

"Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" ~ Billy Joel
"Shape of my Heart" ~ Sting
"Crazy Love" ~ Van Morrison
"Shadowboxer" ~ Fiona Apple
"Tiny Dancer" ~ Elton John

Those are mostly just from my playlist here at work, as I have so many songs that I like for different reasons.

Posted by cptgen at 10:40 AM